How We Do It

"We pride ourselves on educating clients on complicated tax and financial planning merged with their investing and retirement goals, so anyone can understand them."

Our hallmark is providing proactive, high quality professional services. Multiple times throughout the year we connect with our clients, checking to ensure they remain informed regarding their retirement cash flow plan. Whether they are saving for retirement or enjoying their hard-earned money in retirement, it is our goal clients have a clear vision of where they currently sit and where they are headed.  With federal income taxes being one of the largest expenses throughout your lifetime it is crucial that your long-term tax planning strategy matches your long-term financial planning strategy.  By combining tax planning, financial planning and asset management Alaska Advisors, Inc is uniquely positioned to help you increase your financial wellbeing throughout your lifetime.  The internal systems, software resources and expertise we have developed over the past decades allow us to accomplish this goal in a timely and cost-efficient manner.

Can you imagine not having to call your financial advisor for advice only to be told to call your CPA, then your CPA tells you to double check on a few things with your advisor, and before you know it you’ve been stuck on the phone for an hour and talked to each one twice, and more confused than when you started.  Those days are gone when working with Alaska Advisors Inc., because of the overlap with Stevens Group CPAs your financial questions will be dealt with at the same time from a tax perspective so you can get back to enjoying your hard earned money and put the phone down.